Nothing is more crushing than having your complete stereo setup packed into protective boxes, and stored a mere 2000+ miles away from your present location.  Yeah, I have a laptop (speakers suck), a CD player (portable, and desktop – better but highly inconvenient, and the car player (which REALLY sucks).

All of this is killing me.  And while four remaining months (actually more as I still have to acquire a new house when I get back to IL), seems light, it might as well be the rest of my life.

Music is a lifelong acquiring.  Everyday brings something new, something remembered, something expanded, something beautiful.  But if you do not have proper playback, then you get a ghost of a playback, a hint of its fullness.

But that’s not the only problem.  Another is the fact that not only is my stereo system 2000 miles away, much of my collection is there as well.  In cold, dark storage.  Away from my ears, and my head (which desires a constant renewal of sound, no matter how old).

“Music, I never told you, but I’ll be yours until you’re old.  Please try to call me in your dreams (yes, music dreams too), the way I’m looking at you is just as it seems.”  Forgive the slight replacement of music for robin in Carly Simon’s gorgeous, “His Friends Are More Than Fond of Robin” from her timeless classic, No Secrets.  But it sure works here.

I can’t wait to be reunited with a world of richness once again.  Preserve me until then.

What I’m listening to now:


By MARowe

4 thoughts on “Music From All The Wrong Places”
  1. I’ve always had a tradition that the first thing that goes into a new residence is a stereo (or at least a jambox).

  2. Awwww. I can sympathize.
    In a way, you are faced with the oft debated “desert island scenario”.
    I recently got a two-gig external hard-drive and saved about 80% of my cd collection in uncompressed WAV format – so I guess if I were in your position I’d be listening through a laptop with my Bose headphones. It would definitely suck to not have a good stereo system. Something that I haven’t been without since I was 16.
    This too shall pass. Just think of how appreciative you will be when you can finally unpack everything. You will be like a kid at Christmas.

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